A step-by-step guide on how to create your first WhenAvailable poll.
Enter the Create Poll page to start setting up your poll.
In order to create a poll you need to be signed in.
If you are signing in with the
email/password option then you’ll need to verify your email before you can create the
There are 3 required fields:
Note that you can also import your Google Calendar
Select the date options from the calendar. Note that you can also click and drag to cover a date range, like a full weekend.
You can add a time for each date option, or add the same time to multiple date options by using the add time to multiple dates link.
Select week from the calendar controls just above the calendar.
Click and drag to select time slots from the calendar.
Once you’ve added the event details and the date/time options hit the Create Poll button. After the poll has been created you can invite your guests.